Resources for the second edition are here. I'd love to know what you think about Python Crash Course; please consider taking a brief survey. If you'd like to know when additional resources are available, you can sign up for email notifications here.
This cheat sheet explores what Python is used for and how it compares to other programming languages, and provides resources for learning the language. Python programming language: A cheat. Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Dictionaries Focuses on dictionaries: how to build and modify a dictionary, access the information in a dictionary, and loop through dictionaries in a variety of ways. Includes sections on nesting lists and dictionaries, using an OrderedDict and more. Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - If Statements and While Loops.
Python for Data Science Cheat Sheets. Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in the data science field.Python has many packages and libraries that are specifically tailored for certain functions, including pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, Matplotlib, and SciPy.The most appealing quality of Python is that anyone who wants to learn it, even beginners, can do so quickly and easily.
Cheat sheets can be really helpful when you’re trying a set of exercises related to a specific topic, or working on a project. Because you can only fit so much information on a single sheet of paper, most cheat sheets are a simple listing of syntax rules. This set of cheat sheets aims to remind you of syntax rules, but also remind you of important concepts as well. You can click here and download all of the original cheat sheets in a single document.
An updated version of these sheets is also available through Leanpub and Gumroad. The updated version includes a sheet that focuses on Git basics, a printer-friendly b&w version of each sheet, and each sheet as a separate document. The updated versions are available at no cost on both platforms.
- Python programming language: A cheat sheet. By James Sanders in Developer on February 18, 2020, 10:10 PM PST This guide explores what Python is used for, how it compares to other programming.
- This regex cheat sheet is based on Python 3’s documentation on regular expressions. If you’re interested in learning Python, we have free-to-start interactive Beginner and Intermediate Python programming courses you should check out. Regular Expressions for Data Science (PDF) Download the regex cheat sheet here.
Individual Sheet Descriptions
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet
- Provides an overview of the basics of Python including variables, lists, dictionaries, functions, classes, and more.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Lists
- Focuses on lists: how to build and modify a list, access elements from a list, and loop through the values in a list. Also covers numerical lists, list comprehensions, tuples, and more.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Dictionaries
- Focuses on dictionaries: how to build and modify a dictionary, access the information in a dictionary, and loop through dictionaries in a variety of ways. Includes sections on nesting lists and dictionaries, using an OrderedDict and more.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - If Statements and While Loops
- Focuses on if statements and while loops: how to write conditional tests with strings and numerical data, how to write simple and complex if statements, and how to accept user input. Also covers a variety of approaches to using while loops.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Functions
- Focuses on functions: how to define a function and how to pass information to a function. Covers positional and keyword arguments, return values, passing lists, using modules, and more.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Classes
- Focuses on classes: how to define and use a class. Covers attributes and methods, inheritance and importing, and more.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Files and Exceptions
- Focuses on working with files, and using exceptions to handle errors that might arise as your programs run. Covers reading and writing to files, try-except-else blocks, and storing data using the json module.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Testing Your Code
- Focuses on unit tests and test cases. How to test a function, and how to test a class.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Pygame
- Focuses on creating games with Pygame. Creating a game window, rect objects, images, responding to keyboard and mouse input, groups, detecting collisions between game elements, and rendering text.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - matplotlib
- Focuses on creating visualizations with matplotlib. Making line graphs and scatter plots, customizing plots, making multiple plots, and working with time-based data.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Pygal
- Focuses on creating visualizations with Pygal. Making line graphs, scatter plots, and bar graphs, styling plots, making multiple plots, and working with global datasets.
- Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Django
- Focuses on creating web apps with Django. Installing Django and starting a project, working with models, building a home page, using templates, using data, and making user accounts.
Available from No Starch Press and Amazon.
Hey Finxters! I have another set of cheat sheets for you! This time, I am going to focus on the more advanced aspects of Python and what you can do with it! As you know Python is a flexible language used in web development, games, and desktop applications. I am not going to waste too much of your time so let’s hop right to it and dive into these more advanced Python cheat sheets!
Cheat Sheet 0: Finxter Full Cheat Sheet Course
Cheat Sheet 1: DataQuest
This cheat sheet is from DataQuest and it shows all of the intermediate Python
Regular expressions, date/time module, and counter. This is one you will want to have pinned to the wall or in your developers binder to keep handy as you work.
Pros: Great for budding Python developers, keep it handy as you work.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 2: DataCamp
It is important to know how to import data during your career no matter what stage you are at. As an intermediate Pythoner, you should keep this cheat sheet handy when working an entry level job of data entry and developing you own projects.
Pros: Great for learning importing data sets in Python.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 3: DataCamp
You have to import data and you have to be able to plot it as a visual representation for businesses to understand and use to their benefit. This cheat sheet will help you to learn matplotlib and write some amazing graphical visualizations with Python.
Pros: Great to have for matplotlib development.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 4: GitHub
This cheat sheet is for Machine learning and one you will want to keep in your developers binder as you work. Machine learning and Python go together like peanut butter and jelly, and Scikit is going to be your best friend. If your developers journey takes you to machine learning then make sure to keep this cheat handy for yourself.
Pros: Scikit is easily learnable with this cheat sheet
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 5: DataCamp
SQL is a database system used in programming for all kinds of data sets and is extremely scalable. Keep this cheat sheet handy to you! BI and other business applications rely on you being able to use SQL!
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone. Easy to read and implement
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 6: Pytorch
This cheat sheet is more a tutorial that will teach you pytorch for deep learning projects. Here you will get hands on practice on pytorch.
Pros: You will get a deep understanding pytorch and how it used
Cons: It is an online tutorial.
Cheat Sheet 7: DataCamp
Yet another from Datacamp!! This one is called SpaCy and allows you to understand the natural text from documents. This is one I have in my development folder and is used for Natural language programming.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 8: Ask Python
This cheat sheet is also more a tutorial for you to learn image processing in Python. The best way to learn is to get your hands dirty! Ask Python is good for doing that so you can learn what you need to and boost your skills.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone.
Cons: None that I can see.
Cheat Sheet 9: TutorialsPoint
Beginner Python Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet is also a tutorial on learning database access with Python. This is an incredibly important skill when you freelance your skills or end up working for a company at a data entry position.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone. This tutorial is one I have used myself! It includes code snippets to learn from.
Cons: It is a tutorial, not a cheat sheet to print.
Cheat Sheet 10: FullStack Python
This is also a tutorial for you to learn from. This particular cheat sheet discusses Deployment of web applications in Python!! It has explanations that go into depth with tools, resources and learning checklist which is started off with an introductory on deployment what it is and why it is necessary.
Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone. This is important to know if you are a Pythoner in Web development.
Cons: Needs to be bookmarked on your browser.
These are the cheat sheets and tutorials I think you will find helpful as a Pythonista developing in your particular field. As you can see this time, I wanted to really give you a wide berth of cheat sheets that intermediate Pythonista use with their career choices. I hope at least one of these cheat sheets or tutorials is useful to you on your journey! Thank you once again for joining me and I can’t wait to see you again! 😉😉
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