Pyn Copay On Bcbs Card
$30 copay per evaluation; up to 2 per year Rewards Program Earn $50 for completing the Blue Health Assessment 3. Earn up to $120 for completing three eligible Online Health Coach goals 3. A copay (or coinsurance) is a cost sharing arrangement in which a member of Blue Shield pays a dollar amount, a percentage or a combination of both for a specific medical service. For example, $20 for an office visit or 30% for surgical procedures.
Our PPO managed health care plans provide for the payment of benefits at a higher level of coverage when the member utilizes our network of preferred providers. These network providers, including physicians, specialty care providers, hospitals, and other health care facilities and practitioners, have contracted with BCBSTX to provide health care services at negotiated rates.
If the member elects to receive care from network providers:
- They will receive the higher level of benefits (In-Network Benefits)
- They are not required to file claim forms — Network providers bill BCBSTX for services provided
- They are not balance billed — Network providers will not bill for costs that are in excess of the BCBSTX allowable amount for covered services.
- Network providers are responsible for any necessary preauthorization
If the member elects to receive care from providers outside of the network, they may choose:
ParPlan Providers Providers participating in a direct-payment arrangement with BCBSTX | Out-of-Network Providers Non-contracting providers |
If the member elects to receive care from a ParPlan Provider, benefits for covered services are available at the lower level of benefits (Out-of-Network); however…
| If the member elects to receive care from a non-contracting provider, benefits for covered services are available at the lower level of benefits (Out-of-Network); and…
Blue Cross Blue Shield Copay For Therapy
The PPO plan is available to clients through the Blue ChoiceSM Network, one of the largest networks in Texas. Blue ChoiceSM provides:
- Access to the national BlueCard® network when members are outside of Texas
- Over 600 participating hospitals and facilities in Texas
- More than 800,000 doctors and 6,000 hospitals contracting with Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans nationwide
For health care services required outside of Texas, members have access to the BlueCard national network of providers.
BCBSTX offers a variety of PPO plans with varying deductible, coinsurance and copayment amount options. All plans include an outpatient prescription drug benefit with either a three-tier or four-tier pharmacy copay design.
The three-tier pharmacy copay plan design includes three tiers of medications that are comprised of:
- Generic Drugs
- Preferred Brand-name Drugs
- Non-preferred Brand-name Drugs
The four-tier pharmacy copay plan design includes four tiers of medications that are comprised of:
What Is Insurance Copay
- Generic
- Preferred Brand-name Drugs
- Non-preferred Brand-name / Preferred Specialty
- Non-preferred Specialty Drugs
Blue Cross Blue Shield Copay Assistance
Prescription drugs are available through retail pharmacies throughout Texas and mail order pharmacy services.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Copay Assistance
For more detailed information on available benefit designs, a description of the services and supplies that are covered, a listing of those services and supplies that are limited or excluded, terms and general administration or for any questions you may have regarding our products and services, contact us for the phone number of the regional sales office near you.